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A new concept of h-beam welding 2

双击自动滚屏 发布者 发布时间:2024/4/7 9:57:11 阅读:18529次 【字体:

A new concept of h-beam welding 2

 H-beam welding groove
 The importance of h-beam welding bevels:
 H-beam is carrying the weight of the steel structure of main body, its must firm, h-beam and h-beam welding is even more important, weak h-beam welding will cause serious economic losses, and even loss of life.

The h-beam groove  & bevells style:
 For h-beam welding is more stable, and other steel structure products more secure, rapid rhett GIRET proposed new style of h-beam welding groove, the groove style can largely increase the h-beam welding strong sex, the seismic effect.

 As shown: this is the h-beam GIRET edge milling machining of h-beam slope ammunition shoot pictures.

 The style of the h-beam welding groove schematic diagram is as follows:

From: GIret self-propelled bevelling machine

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